Sunday 15 December 2019



I have been told the following story years ago..

Someone ask to a very poor and illiterate shepherd what was his preferred dish to eat? The answer was very simple: " I like the sprout of the onion ". The explanation of this answer is very sad. This poor man having nothing to eat most of the time other than onion and bread just making a choice in between the two. He is not in a position to make a choice between "filet mignon or sushi or pizza or hamburgers".

Our understanding, our capacity enlarge when we come to know more. You can not feel or see the beauty of a piece of Paganini neither a masterpiece of Picasso. The same applies to the literature, architecture, sculpture and to many fields of art and science.

I want to give another  simple example. Marbling is kind of painting done over a thick water where you sprinkle dyes over it. With the help of needles , combs and brushes you give shapes before the dyes diffuse. A blank paper is laid over while the colorants are transferred to the paper.  Only someone who knows can understand the skill and the scope the piece.  A common   people will not even understand what it is. 

This a marvelous art of colors . Especially in the early times of Islam where any kind of human drawing was banned religiously.

As a human being we continuously ask to ourselves the meaning of the life . Various faiths have dogmatic answers mostly by means of omnipotent God or Gods and you are expected to surrender fully. Most of them has no any acceptable answers to crimes  , poverty , illiteracy , pandemics , wars and inequality that we endure constantly.

The motto of KNOW YOURSELF is told for your endeavor to understand the world and life.

You can not know what is happening around the globe if you don’t learn sociology , psychology , philosophy , literature , history , economy , art and many fields of wisdom and erudition .

For instance in order to understand the existing wars it is a good idea to start learning first the history of the existing populations in the world than go to sociology and learn the fundamental  principals on the human behaviors . Needless to say economy is  the leading  actor. 

To understand the materialistic inequality   between people and countries is a very difficult challenge for all of us. You need to start review Antique Greek philosophers like Socrates , Plato and Aristoteles than go beyond the enlightenment era philosophers Marx, Montaigne, Rousseau , Smith , Kant and thousands other .

Only after getting a knowledge of what is thought until now that you can start realizing what’s going on around you. Indeed this is heavy task.

In his recent book "ENLIGHTMENT" Steven Pinker starts with the following experience he had at the university classroom...

“Why should I live?”
The student’s ingenuous tone made it clear that she was neither suicidal nor sarcastic but genuinely curious about how to find meaning and purpose if traditional religious beliefs about an immortal soul are undermined by our best science.”

We came presume that awareness starts with knowledge , experience and culture . Need a lot of effort. Especially today we have a lot of misinformation running around the internet, Mercenaries making wars , fighting for the account of rich and ambitious  persons and countries. Religious fundamentalists  are in the pursuit to convert you and enslave.

Avram aji

Thursday 28 November 2019


Although I am not an allergetic person the viewpoint, stance and approach on allergens in whole world is overwhelming but moreover Quality Control Managers are getting hysterical in food manufacturing factories.. In the book "Connected" of Christakis and Fowler the following paragraph does worth to investigate more deeply this topic. The efforts spent in food manufacturing to segregate allergetic products and prevent any kind of contamination are enormous. But at what cost?

Here you have the citation :

Approximately 3.3 million Americans are allergic to nuts, and even more, 6.9 million, are allergic to seafood. However, all told, serious allergic reactions to foods cause just two thousand hospitalizations per year (out of more than thirty million hospitalizations nationwide). And, at most, only 150 people (both children and adults) die each year from food allergies. Compare that to the fifty people who die each year from bee stings, the hundred who die from lightning strikes, and the forty-five thousand who die from motor vehicle accidents. Or compare that to the ten thousand children who are hospitalized each year for traumatic brain injuries acquired during sports, or the two thousand who drown, or the roughly thirteen hundred who die from gun accidents. Yet there are no calls to end athletics. There are likely thousands of parents who rid their cupboards of peanut butter but not guns. And more children assuredly die walking or being driven to school each year than die of nut allergies.”

MUSTARD was one of the best also oldest spice in the world. But during the last decade it has been discovered that there has been some allergetic casualties .  Quality Managers immediately swallowed the bait and started writing long procedures to prevent its contamination, delete from seasonning mixtures, run expensive swab tests  as like venenous poison.

Dr. Stephen Propatier wrote :

Research has shown that reports of pediatric nut allergies between tripled between 1997 and 2008. Some of this data suffers from methodological error and reporter bias. Many of the studies were limited to patient reporting. Actually diagnosing a food allergy is somewhat subjective. It is a complicated, multi-level procedure. Many people self diagnose their food allergy. Patient history is a large part of the diagnosis but not the only part. And many people commonly think that skin tests provide the most information about allergies. This isn't really true; allergists use several tests to determine whether or not someone suffers from a sensitivity.

Here I am copying you the most comon but also 
labelling compulsory  by EU legislation of food allergens ...

Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat (such as spelt and khorasan wheat), rye, barley, oats or their hybridised strains, and products thereof, except:

(a) wheat based glucose syrups including dextrose
(b) wheat based maltodextrins
(c) glucose syrups based on barley
(d) cereals used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin

2. Crustaceans and products thereof

3. Eggs and products thereof

4. Fish and products thereof, except:

(a) fish gelatine used as carrier for vitamin or carotenoid preparations
(b) fish gelatine or Isinglass used as fining agent in beer and wine

5. Peanuts and products thereof

6. Soybeans and products thereof, except:

(a) fully refined soybean oil and fat
(b) natural mixed tocopherols (E306), natural D-alpha tocopherol, natural D-alpha tocopherol acetate, and natural D-alpha tocopherol succinate from soybean sources
(c) vegetable oils derived phytosterols and phytosterol esters from soybean sources
(d) plant stanol ester produced from vegetable oil sterols from soybean sources

7. Milk and products thereof (including lactose), except:

(a) whey used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin
(b) lactitol

8. Nuts, namely: almonds (Amygdalus communis L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (Anacardium occidentale), pecan nuts (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch), Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachio nuts (Pistacia vera), macadamia or Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, except for nuts used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin

9. Celery and products thereof

10. Mustard and products thereof

11. Sesame seeds and products thereof

12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/litre in terms of the total SO2 which are to be calculated for products as proposed ready for consumption or as reconstituted according to the instructions of the manufacturers

13. Lupin and products thereof

14. Molluscs and products thereof

Avram Aji


SOCIAL NETWORKS have always attracted me. This is why , when I have been suggested to read this book I secured it immediately. Although the book appeared in 2009 I think still is prevalent and containing most of the actual current values too..

The authors start by making the following comment...

Scientists, philosophers, and others who study society have generally divided into two camps: those who think individuals are in control of their destinies, and those who believe that social forces (ranging from a lack of good public education to the presence of a corrupt government) are responsible for what happens to us.”

We tend to blame anything beyond ourself. Bloodfeud and vendetta were very common during last centuries all over the world.

What possible sense is there in injuring or killing the innocent?”

This striking question is still very vivid in our time knowing existing suicide bombers.

Bucket Brigates and Military Squads are so well organized working groups that no one individually can accomplish alone the required taks such as extinguishing fires or expell ennemies.

“Students with studious roommates become more studious”“Diners sitting next to heavy eaters eat more food. Homeowners with neighbors who garden wind up with manicured lawns”

The influence of our surrounding people is enormous.  A friend of mine wa at the edge of a divorce. The first question of the family counselor to the husband was "do your wife has a close fried recently got divorced? If so there no way to escape "

The bank rush is taken in the scope of such kind behaviour of crowds during 2008 bubbled morgage burst and banking crisis which influenced all the world .

Saturday 23 November 2019


I JUST FINISHED  this book and want you summarize it hoping to convince you to read it.

THIS BOOK was suggested during  a conferance given by AVI ALKAS  on "Living the very that moment" . Not only this single book but 5 in total. I started with this one because I got the e-book version immediated through the web.

THE VERY FIRST example given is the "Domino Effect" . We come across very often  on TV's or at YouTube , teams competition on thousands of dominos pieces standing one across the other. A light flip to the very first one but with a just enough power to topple it over to the one standing behind triggering all the series of the dominos sequentially -sometimes taking hours and hours- until the last one fall down.

What the writer wants to demonstrate or prove us that we must flip the very first domino standing in front of us to trigger the all the others dominos (opportunities-capabilities -skills)standing behind. It has been proved that even %50 bigger dominos standing behind fall down . Hence the most important thing for us in life is to find which domino to flip .

WE WANT a lot of success in our life. Pursuing success in our business or job , having a marvellous loving partner and family , exercise our body with our most preferred sport branch, enjoyable hobbies like painting or instrument playing , socialize with best friends of us...

“If everyone has the same number of hours in a day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others?”

This what we ask ourselves all the time. The given answer by the author is : GO SMALL !

“It’s realizing that extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.”

You can not achieve all your cravings at the same time.

You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects.”

“No one is self-made”

“When everything feels urgent and important, everything seems equal”

“success isn’t a game won by whoever does the most.”

The writer is emphasizing the importance of Pareto Law and implementing this procedure as many time until you find out your most important thing in your TO DO LIST.

And allocate much of your time to the ONE THING of your life until you tackle.

Category : SELF HELP

Sunday 13 October 2019


I was sitting with a Canadian couple last month while our cenversation turn to the on-going wars in various part of the world , especially in Syria which affecting us (Turkey) very badly nowadays.

I said them that I am having difficulties in understanding USA , Russia , China and Iran activities (any many other countries) in other countries .What a bad remembrance we have in Korea , Vietnam , Afganistan , Irak , Libya , Lebanon and now on stage in Syria and Yemen . How come that these countries deliberately pursue activity in other -weak an unstable countries. 

Why USA , Russia and Iran are playing various games in Syria by proxy armies and mercenaries?

As an outsider most of the world think that USA is one single country. So were thoughts for the Soviet Union before the downfall of Berliner Wall. We think that EU was established with a goodwill of the participant countries. We mostly and frequently forget the hundred million innocent deaths in WW1and WW2 . 

Countries who fighted each other for long time , destroying each other severy set out over a table to established (EU)  a long lasting peace treaty by reducing the economic gap in between , opening the borders for people -not only  to travel but also to work , transfer their capital freely and trade freely without counterwailing taxes to protect a sole country citizens.

Soviet Union was a different version of it. But the management couln't not steer the country good enough by reducing the economical differences in its territories.

USA is also a large group of countries incorporated after long lasting deadly civil war. My Canadian friend told me that the civil war in USA did not finish. USA has the largest amount of weaponary in hand of its citizens, at home. USA murder and crime is highest in the world. Kennedy's and Luter King assasinations were not coincidal.

As a Turk I do not pretend that our policy was right until now, but now a war became unavoidable in the northern part of Syria. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Farmers and food manufacturers are not the ennemy of the consumers. At the end every single person is the consumer somehow of someone else. Even if you are farmer you cannot farm and grow everything you need at home or in your tiny backyard nor in your balcony. The mentality must be, to endevour for the producers to survive and even be happy of their job. The free market economy is leaving the producer alone over the wild supply/demand balance. And the big sword of Damokles in their hand , authorities are making this business frightening , frustrating and dangerous. To attract the readers social media is full of untrue entries written by incompetant persons , trolls and smear campaigns.

Producing food is not as other industries a stable and linear job. You are dependent of many outer factors. You can not control the weather conditions ,wilder weeds and plant  disesases. Fertilizers are presented as the most dangerous product to the world by newspapers , TV's and social media.Very few are telling that without it how would it be possible to satiate -now reaching to eight billion world population-.The farming elapsed time is long until you get a crop to supply to the market. Even for a simple plant you needs months . Mostly you have to make estimations for the market prices at  the beginning of the harvesting time which mostly will be quite different of what you would be thinking and planning at the beginning.

In Turkey farming industry was always full of  plentiful incentives. In the past tea , sugar beet , hazel nuts , seedless raisins , dried figs were supported financially by various establishments which INTASCO , FISKOBIRLIK, ÇAYKUR are few names that I can give you immediately as an example. But in time such institutions became overly cowded sinecures for polticians. They were badly managed and in deficiency all the time. Their main purpose of existance forgotten.

This does not mean that we have to leave alone the farmers. There must be a solution , or we must develop many new ways to keep our farmers to continue to work. We must bear in mind the adage  "it is not enough if there is not any surplus of product" Hence our aim must be to keep the market prices stable and foreseeable for the producer to prevent them to loose money and also for the consumer to adjust his budget.

A question must arise who has to take the responsability when the weather conditions are not favourable , when there is to much rain, cold , frost, floods, fires et cetera. Oil prices fluctuate daily even hourly at the stock exchange boards , while the price of our tram ticket does not change years and years. How come such stability can be established there and not in food sector?

Shortage in supply side makes the market prices double or tripple easily too which is a disaster for the consumer.

Big supermarket chains are trying to push back prices of food in order to compete with their adversaries. 

Cheap transportation, adequate storage possibilites are important. New machinaries and farming techniques are also crucial to compete. Scholars at universities, state authorities , big buyer as like supermarket chains and farmers must be in continuous collaboration for new techniques and chemistry for the uninterrupted supply of the food flow while  maintain prices affordable for the consumer and profitable for the growers.


Wednesday 28 August 2019


am getting lots of questionnaires from my buyers almost everyday asking me details about my factory infrastructure , quality control systems , pest control , risk assesments that we have and what we do for sustainability  of our products , our approach and endevour for the continuity of the supply. Most of them are at far away countries and they will never come and come and see -namely audit me.

I do not to blame anybody for doing this but such an approach became just an eyewash and not very useful , not taking into consideration the wasted time.

As a food manufacturer we are paying large sums to Quality Management Systems and faith observance . BRC/IFS/FSSC/ISO international standards have reach to the summit of quality controls that we do not so much take care in our kitchen while cooking for ourselves and for our families -like  wearing hairnet or glows , like hand sterilization at the doorstep, hygene education , third party pest control, calibration and verification of your fridge , defining critical control points of your kitchenware. We do not have even a metal detector at home! Can you imagine ?

The scope of such quality standards became so wide that there no way to remember all the details  that you wrote against every sentance of the standard. If the expansion continue ramification in its execution will be unavoidable, different staff will do the different part of the quality controls

Most of us do not know how much time we can keep a frozen the food that we cooked. In ordinary schools cooking is not any more a lesson to be thought. As in the past we had learn sewing and mending beside cooking easy things. 

Quality management systems brought a marvellous understanding to all food processors. But mainly to those who have no any tiny knowledge of production and food safety.

Religion mongers take advantage of the situation defining to their followers what is suitable to purchase but against large sums? Namely Kosher and Halal certificates are the most famous ones  to give you examples.

Crucial points must be determined for every sector and formalities be reduced enabling everybody keep track of what it is objective behind of these efforts


Thursday 11 July 2019


NOBODY wants to die. Everybody wants to live long and at best as like they are in their fourties or fifties but we know very well that this is not the case most of the time. Regretfully despite the new medications , diagnosis and better health care we still get older and more disabled every day.

NOWADAYS more people is living his eighties and nineties... This is good news but also this is something that we do not know on how to be prepared for it. Developments in geriatric science is great but still very insufficient.

WHEN a new baby is born his parents know very well on how to raise him properly. Good food , good education , good environment is provided as much possible. 

Every elderly person is different from one to another. Some of them run into trouble with alzheimer ,some of them become deaf, most of them slow down in fulfilling their daily activities, loose his spouse . Loneliness start to become depressive as friends start to pass away.  Lifelong savings drain away .

My aim in writing this essay is to make you think about on how one can be prepared to its aging. Or is it possible to do something as from our fifties or sixties ? All say no... But I think there must be quite a lot of things that we can do while you are still healthy and active in life.

We must bear in mind that we may need assistance from our children hence being close to them is important. Leaving the existing comfort zone and approach to where your children are is something that we can do it right away.

Psychological fatigue in time is almost unavoidable. Hence according to the need getting assistance is very important. Elderly people sometimes feel ashamed of psychological disorders and refuse any kind of external help.

Living alone after certain age is impossible. Either you have to go to an almshouse or find caretaker nurse. Both are expensive but living long is expensive!

Financing the daily life is something important per se. We lose the monetary value perception in time hence -if possible - getting advice from your children or from somebody you can rely (but still at their fifties at most) is important . Preparing a budget and make expenditures accordingly is important. Youngsters may find out much easily legal advantages that we have and public aids that we can benefit.

How to live your days is another big topic that we have to think about much earlier in life. Not everybody can work lifelong . Some are forced to retire or mental and physical state of a person may deteriorate after their sixties and retire. Hence to think about on how to have a good time we have to make an excessive effort on this matter  to improve our quality of life in our senescence period.

Avram Aji

Thursday 20 June 2019


I HAVE been travelling abroad quite often since 1980's for business. But after working hours I always take a walk around  to see places of curiosity .  How people live in different cities. What are their customs and habits. What they eat .But especially how they solved the existing sociological problems of the big cities like traffic , housing , pollution , noise , public transportation. 

To my surprise every country has different approach or resolution.

For instance in Sao Paulo the entrance and exit doors are in different sides and entrance is not allowed before all passangers get out of the metro cab. This is preventing the chaos at rush hours especially. People in a hurry forget to be nice to other.

I was in Rotterdam last week. I enjoyed to see so many people moving around with their bycicles even in a rainy weather. Amazed to see marvellous buildings made out with a big architectual concern and effort .

While walking around I came across to a marvellous cathedral at the centre of the city. But the entrance was possible with a small fee. In one corner of the temple there was a cafeteria and shop.

This not the first time that I encounter temples with toll. If you want to see the famous Sephardic marvellous sinagogue in Anvers where Spinoza was anathemized you have to pay an important amount of money to enter in. The same applies to the spectacular Cathedral in Frienze or Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. 

Obviously  these buildings must not be considered as a praying sacred spaces anymore but open air museums .Does this be understood as a betrayal to the construction ideology or for those financed for the name of God.

I have been surprised to see churches at every corner of Oxford University. During middle age churches undertook the responsability to educate citizens and their followers.

In Izmir , at the old city center there was a Jewish quarter where still 3 sinagogues is working . Another few sinagogues are now restorated by the Municipality. One can ask for what? Not obviously for the use of agonized  remaining a handful Jewish people but for its touristical attractivity. Vatican is  obviously the paramount of fascinating glamour in the world-  once for religious care but now for art and architechtual splendor.

When thinking the powerty, plagues and misery of the middle age one can ask such pompous buildings with such ornmental interiors  how could have been achived ? No wealth can rebuild a similar ones nowadays. At list its artefacts! 

Many years ago I visited once the piramids in Cairo. A colossal stokpile of stone blocks which serves for nothing made as a tomb to pharaon Ramses.

At Crete island you can visit the tomb of famous writer Kazancakis . You will be surprised to see just a rough stone and a wood  crucifix.

Avram Aji


Sunday 9 June 2019


am reading with great interest the recent book of Steven Pinker "Enlightment" where he discussed at large the new sickness of the humanity namely the populism. It is for sure the cripple side of the actual democracy understanding . When we consider  that elections is the best way in  appointing the right persons to govern the country . We see clearly that this not working reasonably at all. 

Once you get the power you start thinking the next elections which is to satisfy only the %50 of the voters but not more and  demonising the other %50 and their supporters. 

Erdoğan , Putin , Netanyahu ,Esad ,  Kim are on stage over two decades. None of the USA president were unseated in their second elections .Hence the target of the president is to do what is necessary in 4 yeras for the %50 .

Today in Turkey the actual government is getting most of his votes from the poor and uneducated   electorate. It is not to the favour of the actual government to make his proponents rich and be educate which is a big contradiction .

It is also impossible to understand the actual situation of Venezuella which is sitting over the largest petroleum reserves. Iran puzzle -one the most ancient civilization of the world-
which is far away of USA ...

Should we have to see from the same perspective the Brexit ? Or the separation request of Catalonia or Scotland ?

It is very clear that the actual democracy understanding does not work very well in long run. 

To get the power by %50 is just serving to divide the country into two compartement as populist leaders just need to compromise to the half of the voters. 

Than we do not have to be surprised by the election of Trump neither Erdogan nor Putin. 

Avram Aji

Saturday 27 April 2019


I just had the opportunity to watch the conference of Rifkin about the 3rd Industrial revolution.

It am a little bit confused about his appelation the actual era as 3rd Industrial while everywhere we hear Industry 4.0 - namely AI - artificial intelligence and IoT internet of things.

The most important part of the conference was the answer he gave about the fear of growing "Unemployment" issue worldwide.

There will always need of humans as a workforce. A robot can not raise a children. We will be doing things that require deep intelligence and feelings.

Social networks and social aid institutions , nonprofit organisations will finance the crowd that needs assistance . I kept thinking that we have such a huge retired community in our country and it will arrive a moment that we will not be able to pay their pension . For instance,  in my generation there are a huge amount of persons whom retired at the age of 38-43 working only 15  years . Now that they are at 65-70 , they have been getting their pension  since 30 years already .Beside the additional advantages delivered to them such a free transportation ,free health care , discounted ticketing in various museums et cetera.Is this sustainable? I hope yes ... There is no other way. Without a retirement system a society would be very cruel. The hep of family members to eldery people is or can be   limited. Not only time wise but also financially too. It is a real fact that the needs are growing when you age. More intense health care is needed with expensive medication and means . The increase of life expectancy is making more difficult to overcome financing eldery people.

The most sad part is that most of them are still capable to do many things, even the worst side of the problem is that we are unable to take advantage of their knowledge ...

Developped countries find the solution in increasing  the retiring age. "67" became common almost everywhere. But there hordes  unemployed of fifties and sixties are living among us.

Avram Aji

Thursday 18 April 2019


By taking ages I started to be more skeptical on psychological disorders. You have the option to cure normal diseases by medication or you die at worst. You may be poor or unlucky in life but still you may have still the enthusiasm for a better life. You may overcome by working hard or planning better your lifestyle of many idfficulties you encounter. You may always find a way to feel good.

But when you are disrupted with psychological disturbances you feel blue all the time. This can be even without any financial distress neither with any physiological illness.

I am noticing many people feeding stray cats and dogs on the street. Putting water pots here and there.

I am not afraid of these animals. But frankly spoken never felt any kind of compassion to them. It looks difficult to me to understand the sentiments of the people who cares them. Even it is strange to me pet owners. 

In one side you come across to many poor people ferreting around edible things in the garbage wagons.People who are in real need. 

On the other side animal lovers are ignoring those around suffering ...

It is a big contradiction. 

One type of depression is triggered by loneliness. I am always thinking that those who care so much stray animals on the street , are they comforting their bad feelings in such a way ?

Avram Aji

Tuesday 2 April 2019


PARACELSUS is accepted to be the father of pharmacolgy in medicine. He is accepted to be the first  in establishing the science of medicines. Everything we eat or drink can be nutritiınal and  poisonous . The essence is the dosage. It is proved that drinking even excess of water is noxious.

Medical science is in the pursuit of a longer and healthier life for all humanity but in reality we need also a good environment to live.
The more population means the more need of food and energy therefore the more intensive agriculture, and the more consumption of natural resources. This contradicts with preservation of the nature. Fertilizers, pesticides , fungicides indeed increase considerably  the yield of agricultural products but meantime destroy the environment , resulting also to contaminate subterranean water resources. 

The residues remaining in food are proved to be harmful for our bodies. There is a long list of  chemcials which shows the acceptable residual levels cited by law. Every single figure in this list means huge scientific researches made in vivo and in vitro by scientists at universities or private laboratories,  as huge funds spent...

Jared  Diamond in  his famous book "Collapse" has written the horrible state of the old mines in USA,which still  polluting the subterranean  waters.

Is there a way to protect the nature ?

This is not a good question ,  as we are already late. We have to keep in mind that we  are still unable to control or restrict the emission of carbon gases worldwide. Many countries still refuse to sign the agreement made in Chile.

Every single year the world population is growing by roughly 100 million ... Due to religious concern nobody is much arguing on how to reduce world population. Although Europe is already diminishing steadily , due to high immigration this is not seen very clearly..

It is predicted that the world population growth will stop by 10 billion. This means more global problems to face. 

Avram Aji

Friday 1 March 2019



It is very sure that every year professions or jobs are changing.New ones will continue to pop up and old ones tend to dissapear. Science and knowledge overcame to various heavy duties that our ancestors had in the past. Heating or cooling our homes became just a matter of a pushing over a button or adjusting the temperature over a switch  . Commuting with comfortable public transportation systems against walking or riding hours at inconvenient ambiance either under burning sun or freezing cold.

Money must be consiered as accumulated energy. You work somewhere for 9 hours and you got some paperbill in exchange of the effort you spent, task you accomplished... And the with the bills in hand you can exchange with many things you need or want. This can be food that other prepared, garments , furniture, cars or electronic gadgets .Money replaced barter system to facilitate our life and facilitated the displacement of this energy.

Normally we burn 2000 to 3000 calories a day. Therefore to wage you get after working 9 hours must be equivalent to it. Otherwise you can not replenish the lost energy and start to loose weight until you die...

Basically you need to earn more as there will be days that you will be sick and will not be able to work but still you need to eat ,warm your house and medicines to be cured.

Even much more , to save some of it for the elderly life period while you will not be able to work but still need to satiate your hunger and warm your house. Even more if you want to have children. This may seem quite embarassing.

Imagine today with solar panels , wind mills you get energy at the cost of the machine itself and nothing more. Hence your endevour to work and being paid against the energy you spent is becoming obsolete nowadays.

Imagine that you are a skilled construction worker, once a huge  3D printer will be invented houses and buildings will be  done by machine and you will not be employed any more. We see very clearly nowadays that most car factories have been filled with high-tech robots doing most the jobs that workers were doing in old times.

It is time to think about that what machines will not be able to do? There you will have the chance 
to work and earn money.Engineers who were doing thousands of calculations with thousands of formulas learned at school, now became just a simple  program in a computer doing the same job even better and much quicker. We know that such advanced programs are even deciding to buy or sell shares at stock exchange . 

Artificial Intelligence or Learning Machines are today's topics. Autonomous cars and trucks will be seen very soon on the roads. With advanced control features they will reduce sharply accidents that are killing millions in whole world. Probably we wont need to own a car as transportation will be done Uber alike companies but without drivers. Removing from our life millions of cars that are staying dormant whole day waiting for just being used 1-2 hours maximum to commute.

High speed internet has brought the possibility to remote working, adding hours to our life while in the past we were spending hours to commute.

Huge data storage capacity has brought us elaborate more and get precise  conclusions.

We will be working on areas that robots , high-tech machines and computer programs will not be able to accomplish. Writing a computer program , designing a better robot or a machine are just few examples that came into my mind. Technological farming will be profitable for a while...

Avram Aji
