Friday 30 March 2018


1)Why Jews went to Egypt ?

My personal opinion is that,  that time the highest culture and technology was there. The library in Alexandria was the most famous containing huge amount of scrolls. Their monumental remainings are still places of highest curiosity. We know that from Kleopatra that Roman Empire was in close relationship with Egypt. 

According to Jared Diamond the "FERTILE CRESCENT" was also comprising the Isaeli territory. We know that when they returned back from Egypt the Bible praise about the abundance of crop. Thus drought can not be the real cause.

2)Why Jews became "SLAVES" but couldn't adapt and incorporate themseleves into the Egyptian culture and society?

As far as I know Akhenaton beleif was the ignition of ONE GOD notion .  Hence our faith was not far away from Egyptian religion. 

Not only in Egypt but in whole disapora, Jews where always been treated as lower class community as like Gypsies in Europe , negroes in USA. 
I am reading the new book of Thomas Friedman where he is narrating the strong anti-semitic activity in Michigan even in 70's and how the local administration was fighting against. Incomprehensibly Henry Ford was the primary supporter of Hitler.

How ridiculuous is that in most conspiracy stories you come accross with Jews trying to seize  or destroy whole world.

Avram Aji

Monday 26 March 2018


I am still wondering why and how we are getting any kind of music for free, notes for free , lyrics for free.How lucky the young generation is. Half a century before the only access to music was the radio. Only one or two broadcasts were avaialble with very few periods of music. I almost had never enough money to buy LP when I was young. The fewer I had were just bought as a gift.

Now wherever you have internet access , Youtube , Dailymotion and many other web pages are delivering you music and videos recorded of your preferred artists for free. How wonderful !

But I am also thinking how musicians are making money.Commercial advertisements are so little in this area!

This is also making me uneasy thinking about if one day what I sell today could be available for free although I am a producer of foodstuffs. And mostly we beleive that food will be demanded forever.

Futurist Ray Kruzweil is pretending that the slowest organ evolved in time is our digesting system.
Every single day we eat at least 2-3 Kg foodstuff to get 2000-3000 calories we need. Nutritional supplements industry is still struggling to prove its utility and benefits. But we are not for away to survive with a few hundred grams of pills containing the exact amount of energy, vitamins , minerals we need daily basis.

Can this be the end of starvation and famine?  And wars?


Friday 23 March 2018


In the past the only way to find a job was through your neibourghood your friends and relatives. Those who have a big network were more likely to have better positions in their life. Even living in a rich neibourghood areas was increasing the chance in finding jobs. Families were struggling to send their children to schools in rich neibourghood because after the education period schoolmates were also very important to find a job.Keith Ferrazzi was advising in his famous book “Never Eat Alone” to live even a small room under the roof but in a rich area instead of living in a cottage in a rural area..

Time have passed by, classified advertisements became very popular. An incredible amount of employer were choosing to advertise via newspapers their workforce requirements. Human Resource companies appeared that time. They were following a wider range of data and trying to establish the best match.

Internet and the web gave enormous impetous in making better search in large data bases of job opportunies. Such possibility allowed employer to make a search among CV databases.

Brilliant CV holders were more likely to get better jobs. Famous school graduates were more likely to be employed in better companies with higher salaries. Families were forced to pay destructive amount of tuition fees , students were trying to find loans that will cover school fees.

The technology is now about to change this actual situation. Long longevity of the humans forces us to work longer. In the past working 15 to 20 years were enough to have a pension. Now in most developped countries you need to work until 65. While your working years what you learned at school is becoming obsolete.  This is why now we are saying that its time of continous learning period.

I spent quite a long time to learn how to use slide ruler , tigonometry and many other lessons  at school . None of them did help to find a beter job or I made use of them in my entire life.

Nowadays incredible amount of lessons are at the internet in various web sites of the universities , private entrepreneurs and charity institutions. We are not far that all school education will be published for free by governments. 

Its time to learn what you will need in life and not more.Learning  cooking  is more important than learning geography or history. Food is a matter of survival. Most of us do not have any knowledge on how to preserve food at home. How we can detect spoiled food.

Bu means of developped programs you are now better defined to employers and matching the right person is possible for the requested task. Adding few skills  through internet learning you will be able to find a better job , closer to your home , with less working hours and even  better paid. But those who will stop learning continously will go astray.


Monday 19 March 2018


I want to give some figures preliminarily and comment afterwards.

                              USA       7 millions Jews out of 325 million of population
                              IRAN      20 millions Azerbaijani out of 81 million
                              ISRAEL    2 millions Arabs out of 9 million
                              BULGARIA 1 millions Turks out of 7 million
                              UAE         3 millions of Indians out f 10 million
                              TURKEY  20 millions of Kurds out of 80 million
                              SOUTH AFRICA  3 millions of Zimbabweans out of 55 millions

Above list can be extended easily...

Are these citizens have to be considered as a minority? Yes and no at the same time. Yes if there is a tiniest discrimination in any field and no if they are well integrated and feel and live their nationality vividly.

What if these citizens are well integrated but discriminated? Developed countries overcome and handle better minorities issues. We can not pretend that in no coutry there is no any minority problem.

Mankind need to belong somewhere instinctively. I only noticed in USA that everybody looks quite peaceful then somewhere else . This is maybe there is a huge mixture of people from all over the world .

Minorities in underveloped countries is becoming often a target for discrimination and exploitation.

Avram Aji


While reading the new book of Thomas Friedman “Thank You For Being Late” I was amazed to discover so many e-learning sites . I was aware of Khan Academy from  years ago. While reading the book , Friedman was mentionning again about the new features of this web site. I checked again to see whats new. To my surprise there was a button for selecting the language requested. A long list appeared on the screen. I clicked the Turkish button and the whole page appeared in Turkish. I just thought that this was just to facilitate the entrance. Not all the lessons can be  in Turkish! But to my curiosity I selected a course for computer programming . Unbeleivably it was in Turkish more over subtitled in Turkish!

Than I visited another web page namely . It started immediately to check my skills😉

How the educational systems will be in the near future? Not how we get it for sure! The internet and the availability of digital devices as like tablets or AppleTv or even TV antennas you can get anything that you want. Once a lesson has been recorded by a video camera than there is no need that the teacher do it again and againg every year. Once you collect all the lessons in one educational web platform than anybody who needs it can benefit of it.

Schools will change its structure for sure. Now its time to rewrite on what lessons students have to take it what exams to pass, what diplomas to get. I am wondering what will be the future of the expensive private high schools and universities?
