Saturday 27 April 2019


I just had the opportunity to watch the conference of Rifkin about the 3rd Industrial revolution.

It am a little bit confused about his appelation the actual era as 3rd Industrial while everywhere we hear Industry 4.0 - namely AI - artificial intelligence and IoT internet of things.

The most important part of the conference was the answer he gave about the fear of growing "Unemployment" issue worldwide.

There will always need of humans as a workforce. A robot can not raise a children. We will be doing things that require deep intelligence and feelings.

Social networks and social aid institutions , nonprofit organisations will finance the crowd that needs assistance . I kept thinking that we have such a huge retired community in our country and it will arrive a moment that we will not be able to pay their pension . For instance,  in my generation there are a huge amount of persons whom retired at the age of 38-43 working only 15  years . Now that they are at 65-70 , they have been getting their pension  since 30 years already .Beside the additional advantages delivered to them such a free transportation ,free health care , discounted ticketing in various museums et cetera.Is this sustainable? I hope yes ... There is no other way. Without a retirement system a society would be very cruel. The hep of family members to eldery people is or can be   limited. Not only time wise but also financially too. It is a real fact that the needs are growing when you age. More intense health care is needed with expensive medication and means . The increase of life expectancy is making more difficult to overcome financing eldery people.

The most sad part is that most of them are still capable to do many things, even the worst side of the problem is that we are unable to take advantage of their knowledge ...

Developped countries find the solution in increasing  the retiring age. "67" became common almost everywhere. But there hordes  unemployed of fifties and sixties are living among us.

Avram Aji

Thursday 18 April 2019


By taking ages I started to be more skeptical on psychological disorders. You have the option to cure normal diseases by medication or you die at worst. You may be poor or unlucky in life but still you may have still the enthusiasm for a better life. You may overcome by working hard or planning better your lifestyle of many idfficulties you encounter. You may always find a way to feel good.

But when you are disrupted with psychological disturbances you feel blue all the time. This can be even without any financial distress neither with any physiological illness.

I am noticing many people feeding stray cats and dogs on the street. Putting water pots here and there.

I am not afraid of these animals. But frankly spoken never felt any kind of compassion to them. It looks difficult to me to understand the sentiments of the people who cares them. Even it is strange to me pet owners. 

In one side you come across to many poor people ferreting around edible things in the garbage wagons.People who are in real need. 

On the other side animal lovers are ignoring those around suffering ...

It is a big contradiction. 

One type of depression is triggered by loneliness. I am always thinking that those who care so much stray animals on the street , are they comforting their bad feelings in such a way ?

Avram Aji

Tuesday 2 April 2019


PARACELSUS is accepted to be the father of pharmacolgy in medicine. He is accepted to be the first  in establishing the science of medicines. Everything we eat or drink can be nutritiınal and  poisonous . The essence is the dosage. It is proved that drinking even excess of water is noxious.

Medical science is in the pursuit of a longer and healthier life for all humanity but in reality we need also a good environment to live.
The more population means the more need of food and energy therefore the more intensive agriculture, and the more consumption of natural resources. This contradicts with preservation of the nature. Fertilizers, pesticides , fungicides indeed increase considerably  the yield of agricultural products but meantime destroy the environment , resulting also to contaminate subterranean water resources. 

The residues remaining in food are proved to be harmful for our bodies. There is a long list of  chemcials which shows the acceptable residual levels cited by law. Every single figure in this list means huge scientific researches made in vivo and in vitro by scientists at universities or private laboratories,  as huge funds spent...

Jared  Diamond in  his famous book "Collapse" has written the horrible state of the old mines in USA,which still  polluting the subterranean  waters.

Is there a way to protect the nature ?

This is not a good question ,  as we are already late. We have to keep in mind that we  are still unable to control or restrict the emission of carbon gases worldwide. Many countries still refuse to sign the agreement made in Chile.

Every single year the world population is growing by roughly 100 million ... Due to religious concern nobody is much arguing on how to reduce world population. Although Europe is already diminishing steadily , due to high immigration this is not seen very clearly..

It is predicted that the world population growth will stop by 10 billion. This means more global problems to face. 

Avram Aji