Wednesday 28 August 2019


am getting lots of questionnaires from my buyers almost everyday asking me details about my factory infrastructure , quality control systems , pest control , risk assesments that we have and what we do for sustainability  of our products , our approach and endevour for the continuity of the supply. Most of them are at far away countries and they will never come and come and see -namely audit me.

I do not to blame anybody for doing this but such an approach became just an eyewash and not very useful , not taking into consideration the wasted time.

As a food manufacturer we are paying large sums to Quality Management Systems and faith observance . BRC/IFS/FSSC/ISO international standards have reach to the summit of quality controls that we do not so much take care in our kitchen while cooking for ourselves and for our families -like  wearing hairnet or glows , like hand sterilization at the doorstep, hygene education , third party pest control, calibration and verification of your fridge , defining critical control points of your kitchenware. We do not have even a metal detector at home! Can you imagine ?

The scope of such quality standards became so wide that there no way to remember all the details  that you wrote against every sentance of the standard. If the expansion continue ramification in its execution will be unavoidable, different staff will do the different part of the quality controls

Most of us do not know how much time we can keep a frozen the food that we cooked. In ordinary schools cooking is not any more a lesson to be thought. As in the past we had learn sewing and mending beside cooking easy things. 

Quality management systems brought a marvellous understanding to all food processors. But mainly to those who have no any tiny knowledge of production and food safety.

Religion mongers take advantage of the situation defining to their followers what is suitable to purchase but against large sums? Namely Kosher and Halal certificates are the most famous ones  to give you examples.

Crucial points must be determined for every sector and formalities be reduced enabling everybody keep track of what it is objective behind of these efforts
