Sunday 15 December 2019



I have been told the following story years ago..

Someone ask to a very poor and illiterate shepherd what was his preferred dish to eat? The answer was very simple: " I like the sprout of the onion ". The explanation of this answer is very sad. This poor man having nothing to eat most of the time other than onion and bread just making a choice in between the two. He is not in a position to make a choice between "filet mignon or sushi or pizza or hamburgers".

Our understanding, our capacity enlarge when we come to know more. You can not feel or see the beauty of a piece of Paganini neither a masterpiece of Picasso. The same applies to the literature, architecture, sculpture and to many fields of art and science.

I want to give another  simple example. Marbling is kind of painting done over a thick water where you sprinkle dyes over it. With the help of needles , combs and brushes you give shapes before the dyes diffuse. A blank paper is laid over while the colorants are transferred to the paper.  Only someone who knows can understand the skill and the scope the piece.  A common   people will not even understand what it is. 

This a marvelous art of colors . Especially in the early times of Islam where any kind of human drawing was banned religiously.

As a human being we continuously ask to ourselves the meaning of the life . Various faiths have dogmatic answers mostly by means of omnipotent God or Gods and you are expected to surrender fully. Most of them has no any acceptable answers to crimes  , poverty , illiteracy , pandemics , wars and inequality that we endure constantly.

The motto of KNOW YOURSELF is told for your endeavor to understand the world and life.

You can not know what is happening around the globe if you don’t learn sociology , psychology , philosophy , literature , history , economy , art and many fields of wisdom and erudition .

For instance in order to understand the existing wars it is a good idea to start learning first the history of the existing populations in the world than go to sociology and learn the fundamental  principals on the human behaviors . Needless to say economy is  the leading  actor. 

To understand the materialistic inequality   between people and countries is a very difficult challenge for all of us. You need to start review Antique Greek philosophers like Socrates , Plato and Aristoteles than go beyond the enlightenment era philosophers Marx, Montaigne, Rousseau , Smith , Kant and thousands other .

Only after getting a knowledge of what is thought until now that you can start realizing what’s going on around you. Indeed this is heavy task.

In his recent book "ENLIGHTMENT" Steven Pinker starts with the following experience he had at the university classroom...

“Why should I live?”
The student’s ingenuous tone made it clear that she was neither suicidal nor sarcastic but genuinely curious about how to find meaning and purpose if traditional religious beliefs about an immortal soul are undermined by our best science.”

We came presume that awareness starts with knowledge , experience and culture . Need a lot of effort. Especially today we have a lot of misinformation running around the internet, Mercenaries making wars , fighting for the account of rich and ambitious  persons and countries. Religious fundamentalists  are in the pursuit to convert you and enslave.

Avram aji

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