Friday 14 May 2021


Is our future beter then before ? This is what Peter Diamandis wrote in his book "Abundance". Yes, and I totally agree with him . All the news we are getting from social medias TV's radios , newspapers are based on bad news. Good news are not attractive. This is why we are automatically programmed to think about that we are at worse era of human history.

But surely it is not. With many figures given only in the last century the world population surged by four times , electrical  power entered into every corner of our life giving us the possibility to cook, drive, illuminate , heat , communicate et cetera...

Travelling became 80 times faster from Jules Verne's 19th century period. Communicating reached to light speed with fiber cables against centuries ago surface mailing which was taking sometimes months to reach.All travelling means are less polluting the world than previous decades. In Germany in some cities already cars working with diesel are prohibited to run. Electrical and even hybrid cars proved to be less polluters than their ancestors. Using hydrogen as a fuel in cars is also investiagted intensively. Using solar pannels to electrolize water to obtain pure hyrogen may reduce the costs of fuels. Needless to say emitting zero atmospheric polluting waste.

Existing laws are obliging farmers, processors, traders and packers to supply into the market more nutritious food with less and less chemical contamination while in the past we were not even aware of its perniciousness.

Improvment in medicine and drug industry is spectacular. Many diseases were eradicted , many epidemics confined in narrow areas. The mechanism of many diseases where deciphered and preventive counter combat invented in a short time. The Spanish Flu killed 50 millions in 1918 while the world population was only 2B while Covid 19 pandemic killed only the one fifth while the world polulation grew by 4 times.The vaccine of Covid 19 was ready within a year only!

Our beleif in science and technology is getting stronger and stronger. 

Avram Aji
