Saturday 23 November 2019


I JUST FINISHED  this book and want you summarize it hoping to convince you to read it.

THIS BOOK was suggested during  a conferance given by AVI ALKAS  on "Living the very that moment" . Not only this single book but 5 in total. I started with this one because I got the e-book version immediated through the web.

THE VERY FIRST example given is the "Domino Effect" . We come across very often  on TV's or at YouTube , teams competition on thousands of dominos pieces standing one across the other. A light flip to the very first one but with a just enough power to topple it over to the one standing behind triggering all the series of the dominos sequentially -sometimes taking hours and hours- until the last one fall down.

What the writer wants to demonstrate or prove us that we must flip the very first domino standing in front of us to trigger the all the others dominos (opportunities-capabilities -skills)standing behind. It has been proved that even %50 bigger dominos standing behind fall down . Hence the most important thing for us in life is to find which domino to flip .

WE WANT a lot of success in our life. Pursuing success in our business or job , having a marvellous loving partner and family , exercise our body with our most preferred sport branch, enjoyable hobbies like painting or instrument playing , socialize with best friends of us...

“If everyone has the same number of hours in a day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others?”

This what we ask ourselves all the time. The given answer by the author is : GO SMALL !

“It’s realizing that extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.”

You can not achieve all your cravings at the same time.

You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects.”

“No one is self-made”

“When everything feels urgent and important, everything seems equal”

“success isn’t a game won by whoever does the most.”

The writer is emphasizing the importance of Pareto Law and implementing this procedure as many time until you find out your most important thing in your TO DO LIST.

And allocate much of your time to the ONE THING of your life until you tackle.

Category : SELF HELP

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