Monday 18 June 2018


 I just finished this book and read it out of breath.  It consist of a very broad investigation of the actual robots in various industries trying to find out an answer to "whether robots will replace us in the near future"? " Which industries are closer for such automation?"

The most striking thought that I got from this book, is that wages are continuously going down in last decades when inflation adjustment is made. 

White collar workers are as much prone as blue collars for being replaced by robots. Indeed sofisticated programs may work better and harder than us.  Nowadays  sales and purchases in stock market are made by super computers and advanced programs tarde in miliseconds intervals. 

If  lower class families loose their jobs who will be buying the robot made produces. Workers are producers but at the same time consumers which is making run the gear of the economy. 

Another option is to give monthly basis an amount of money to the unemployed people by the government. Such a law was submitted to the Swiss parliament but rejected. In Turkey  I know some kind of aids (such as coal or food) are given to poor families. Health aid is also provided to them. 

Avram Aji

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