Wednesday 27 June 2018


Can we say that that Darwinian “natural selection” continue for the human kind? I have the feeling that with such an advance medical care , medicines and vaccines that we are succeding to make survive even the weakest and disabled babies the selection procedure has slowed down . Families are struggling all their life long to make such children to live.

Nowadays life expectations went above 80 years . Some futurists are predicting 120 years lifespan for very soon.

Does the "evolution" continue? Human wisdom reached to its actual level in 4,5 billion years. Hence may we assume that we are unable to descern its actual pace if any !

Some people thought to improve the race of the humankind by exterminating -so called improper kinds. This ideology is called  "eugenism"  with the main purpose to urge evolutionary progress by pedigree breeding.This was one of the ill thinkings lately of the nazis. The  Jews and Gypsies were thought to be maleficient and hazardous for their society. But what was their defect and deficiencies ? Being poor ? stingy ? dirty ? coward ? 

Living in a country where they treat you as lower caste for centuries and do not allow you to own a land or carry arms you end up to acquire above qualifications ...

Politicians like to create scape goats to alienate their flaw.

There is a new investigations to rectify the faulty , distorted and broken DNA of humans called CRISPR. Although there is a huge  opponents for GMO foodstuffs I wonder how they will react when it comes to cure your deadly cancer or MS or ALS . By no means there is no any reliable and serious evidence for the consequences of GMO foodstuffs.

Avram Aji

French Dr. Jean-Claude Ameisen wrote that , what we call now Darwinism ,the natural selection theory succumbed to racism. Francis Galton the inventor of eugenism said : "What the nature does the selection blindly , slowly and  brutally , the humans can do it by targeting to be fast and nice.

In 1912 Nobel laureate Alexis Carrel proposed to change democracy to  

In 1924 a bill was voted to ban immigrants south and east Europe to protect USA nation from degenerative genes. In 1926 the a Eugenism society was found.


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