Thursday 11 June 2020

TRUTH - Hector Macdonald

This is a marvellous , and very recently published book. I highly recommend to everybody. There is not only one and eternel thruth but different views in every fact. Below you have few fragments.


The writer start with the fact quinoa consumption icrease in recent years. Gluten intolerance and coeliac patients were extremely enthusastic of this new cereal not hurting them but beingly highly nutritious.The consumption exploded and trippled its price. Poor Peruvians an Bolivians were not anymore able to buy it

Few sensitive Europeans were thinking lik: “The more you love quinoa, the more you hurt Peruvians and Bolivians”

The income of the farmers trippled. Those who used to have only Quinoa in thier daily life started to rejoice the variety of different foods.


“The Internet makes the world’s knowledge widely available.
The Internet accelerates the spread of misinformation and hatred.”

“Competing truths inform our mindsets, and our mindsets determine our subsequent choices and actions. We vote, shop, work, cooperate and fight according to what we believe to be true. Some truths stay with us for life, determining the most important choices we make and defining the very nature of our character. Whether we are faced with a police shooting, a company mission statement, a group of refugees, a presidential candidate, a holy book, a scientific finding, a contentious statue or a natural disaster, our response–which may be dramatic, transformative or violent–will stem from our mindset.”


“To keep things simple, we can think about three types of communicators:
Advocates: selecting competing truths that create a reasonably accurate impression of reality in order to achieve a constructive goal.
Misinformers: innocently propagating competing truths that unintentionally distort reality.
Misleaders: deliberately deploying competing truths to create an impression of reality that they know is not true.”


“Gross National Product, ‘It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”

Avram Aji

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