Thursday 27 April 2017


Every day, we face increasing regulatory controls, particularly in Europe. Microbiology, pesticide, mycotoxin, and heavy metal testing have become routine tasks. Emerging issues include PA/PAH/TA. Since farmers are not exporters, all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the exporter. Although these checks add significant expenses to the cost of the products, they will not be sustainable for exporters in the long term. Daily intake and risk assessments must be taken into consideration.

The increasing number of controls favors external laboratories, whose influence has become a threat to the food sector. Whenever they find residues or results exceeding limits, additional controls and analyses are imposed, thereby doubling their business volume.

TVs and newspapers eagerly await sensational news, claiming that they are protecting public health. Interviews conducted with unqualified individuals only worsen the situation.

Official legislators set unattainable standards to absolve themselves of any responsibility.

Two incidents recently occurred in Turkey: the discovery of GMO in a batch of rice and the identification of carcinogenic characteristics in palm oil. The public outcry was immense, as if we were on the verge of imminent danger.

Lawmakers must ban and impose heavy penalties on the dissemination of misleading information. Only authorized or designated competent individuals should provide commentary.

Avram Aji

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