Saturday, 11 April 2020


I am having big difficuties in understanding the Brexit , the separation of UK of the EU just for economical motives. While this gigantic institution is latest administrative and managerial breakthrough of humanity. 

Wars mainly faught for territorial  control. Obviously these territories may be rich in natural resources .

Putting aside the Yugoslavian civil war era , Europe entered into a long lasting and sustainable truce since 1945 the end of WW2. 

Imperialism of the last centuries was based on colonialization of undevelopped territories and sucking their natural and human resources. Slavery was not sustainable anyway which ended centuries ago.

After the massive destruction of two world wars Europeans came closer to end up the existing conflicts by making concessions on:

3)Human resources

In a long term rich and developed countries can not prosper and even exist surrounded by suffering and poor countries. They only have the choice to elevate the economical level of the latters and mostly unwillingly share their knowledge and wealth.

Kuwait-Iraki war, Yugoslavian civil war , Cyprus ambiguity , Noth Korean and Iranian  greed on having nuclear power , Palestine -Israeli conflict maybe recited in this context.

But this high level supranational EU governance may continue only by stabilization the incomes internally as well globally. The flux of unemployed flock is unavoidable. Not only within the EU territory but from all over the world. Hence you can not maintain your prosperity by closing the borders and building walls. Walls was the most ancient invention which did not really work even for China...

The 50 States of USA couldn't absorb Mexico to create equilibrium. No country want to share their wealth for prosperity with his neighbor.. Neither EU went beyond Bulgaria. Neither Russia aggregate the URSS again.

Everybody knows that it is not sustainable.

Avram Aji

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