Monday, 26 March 2018


I am still wondering why and how we are getting any kind of music for free, notes for free , lyrics for free.How lucky the young generation is. Half a century before the only access to music was the radio. Only one or two broadcasts were avaialble with very few periods of music. I almost had never enough money to buy LP when I was young. The fewer I had were just bought as a gift.

Now wherever you have internet access , Youtube , Dailymotion and many other web pages are delivering you music and videos recorded of your preferred artists for free. How wonderful !

But I am also thinking how musicians are making money.Commercial advertisements are so little in this area!

This is also making me uneasy thinking about if one day what I sell today could be available for free although I am a producer of foodstuffs. And mostly we beleive that food will be demanded forever.

Futurist Ray Kruzweil is pretending that the slowest organ evolved in time is our digesting system.
Every single day we eat at least 2-3 Kg foodstuff to get 2000-3000 calories we need. Nutritional supplements industry is still struggling to prove its utility and benefits. But we are not for away to survive with a few hundred grams of pills containing the exact amount of energy, vitamins , minerals we need daily basis.

Can this be the end of starvation and famine?  And wars?


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