I HAVE been travelling abroad quite often since 1980's for business. But after working hours I always take a walk around to see places of curiosity . How people live in different cities. What are their customs and habits. What they eat .But especially how they solved the existing sociological problems of the big cities like traffic , housing , pollution , noise , public transportation.
To my surprise every country has different approach or resolution.
For instance in Sao Paulo the entrance and exit doors are in different sides and entrance is not allowed before all passangers get out of the metro cab. This is preventing the chaos at rush hours especially. People in a hurry forget to be nice to other.
I was in Rotterdam last week. I enjoyed to see so many people moving around with their bycicles even in a rainy weather. Amazed to see marvellous buildings made out with a big architectual concern and effort .
While walking around I came across to a marvellous cathedral at the centre of the city. But the entrance was possible with a small fee. In one corner of the temple there was a cafeteria and shop.
This not the first time that I encounter temples with toll. If you want to see the famous Sephardic marvellous sinagogue in Anvers where Spinoza was anathemized you have to pay an important amount of money to enter in. The same applies to the spectacular Cathedral in Frienze or Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.
Obviously these buildings must not be considered as a praying sacred spaces anymore but open air museums .Does this be understood as a betrayal to the construction ideology or for those financed for the name of God.
I have been surprised to see churches at every corner of Oxford University. During middle age churches undertook the responsability to educate citizens and their followers.
In Izmir , at the old city center there was a Jewish quarter where still 3 sinagogues is working . Another few sinagogues are now restorated by the Municipality. One can ask for what? Not obviously for the use of agonized remaining a handful Jewish people but for its touristical attractivity. Vatican is obviously the paramount of fascinating glamour in the world- once for religious care but now for art and architechtual splendor.
When thinking the powerty, plagues and misery of the middle age one can ask such pompous buildings with such ornmental interiors how could have been achived ? No wealth can rebuild a similar ones nowadays. At list its artefacts!
Many years ago I visited once the piramids in Cairo. A colossal stokpile of stone blocks which serves for nothing made as a tomb to pharaon Ramses.
At Crete island you can visit the tomb of famous writer Kazancakis . You will be surprised to see just a rough stone and a wood crucifix.
Avram Aji